Chats With A Limited Man

2012 End-Of-Year Count: Books

Posted in Books by Russ L on 31 December, 2012

What I gone done read this year.


Another Bloomin’ Christmas

Posted in Books, Modern Living, Music by Russ L on 30 December, 2012

Harry Crossmoose!

Well, it’s over now, but I hope everybody had a lovely time. I always love Christmas. This year, birds got fed.

In a general sense I hope that you have a merry new year too, but I don’t really care about all that so much.

Some links, why not:

~ The Worst Things For Sale. There should be a ‘via’ but I’ve forgotten.

~ “My Aretha” – I think I like the stuff he doesn’t like more than he likes it (or doesn’t), but the more general gist is interesting. And yes-yes-yes to that first “never”.

~ A bit by Tom Ewing about trolls that I’d agree with 100%, particularly the fact that “a word which spans ‘teasing a pop forum about its music tastes’ and ‘sending death threats by email to someone about their kids’ is not a sustainable word”. As an aside, that was my main problem with that “Thank You Hater!” song that everyone seemed to inexplicably love. I know that generally (not always, but generally) you already know that you’re in the midst of some complete drivel as soon as you hear the word ‘hater’ and as such I shouldn’t be surprised, but that thing appeared to view saying “You’re not funny and you never will be” (and similar) as somehow being the same thing as a threat of rape. Worried me a touch, so it did. Anyway, here ends the digression from what was only going to be a link in the first place.

~ A great piece about architecture and town planning in Brum, via N.B. Of course we all know that henceforth anything even remotely connected to civic planning in Birmz must be followed by a “see also P’Ashton’s lovely piece”.

~ The physics of space battles – via Kottke, years ago.

~ “The Joking Computer, a kiosk-based installation running software made by artificial intelligence researchers at the University of Aberdeen. The software uses phonetic information about English words and semantic information from WordNet to generate pun-based riddles” – via Waxy, years ago.

~ I Write Like…

Coming to terms with the inevitable

Posted in Blogstuff, Books, Linklog, Modern Living, Well, it passes the time by Russ L on 21 December, 2012

Done it again. Supersonic happened (hooray~!), and I actually managed to write most of my post about it. I genuinely did. I just didn’t finish that last little bit, and didn’t get as far as a post about anything I’ve done since either – nine gigs, four operas, a fillum showing with an organ being played behind it, a Christmas question-answerin’ trail, ice skating, a pub quiz, one world fair, a picnic and a rodeo.

We will draw a line here. A line of non-bloggery. I will finish the Supersonic one and there still are going to be digest posts for all of my operations from this year. I know my precise plans are of even less interest than the posts will be, but I do feel like I’ve removed a weight from my shoulders by making a decision to just leave the rest and so I’m going to indulge myself by writing some crap about the crap I didn’t write.

Some links:

~ It seems that there are plans for a Mo Yan theme park, now that he’s Nobel literature laureate. That’s brilliant and a thing that should be done with more of the winners. Can you imagine a Harold Pinter theme park?

“Two day tickets, please.”
“That’ll be £20.”

~ Point! (It doesn’t work in IE. Via SWSL).

~ The mouse that stole a leopard’s food – apologies for the Daily Mail link, but I do love the photographs (via Cute Overload, years ago).

~ Matoi Yamamoto’s salt labyrinths (via Kottke,years ago).

~ Hard Truths From Soft Cats.

~ I know that “I am an introvert” is the currently one of the Infosuperbahn’s most fashionable things, but this thing here really, really is the most perfect guide to talking to/dealing with me that anyone could ever have written (via Skepchick).

Placeholder concerning place

Posted in Music, Well, it passes the time by Russ L on 8 December, 2012

In the absence of any proper posts (I was doing well for a little while there, wasn’t I?) I was going to point out that this term ‘B-Town’ is in no way a new one, as people around the internets seem to be suggesting. I had thought that Juice Aleem used it in his 2009 song Birmingham 6, but after actually listening to it for the first time in ages I realise that he says “It’s Birmingham, it’s Brum-Town/come down and spend pounds” rather than “B-Town” as I’d thought I’d recalled.

I’d been remembering that line as saying “B-Town” for years. Does that mean I was the first to think the phrase and as such responsible for all this nonsense on a psychic level? Dang.

I still haven’t gotten around to listening to most of those bands. It is a shame in circumstances like this when you end up finding music irritating before you’ve even heard it. Troumaca are ace, of course, I’ll vouch for them.

(EDIT: In fact, it looks like I did actually use the term myself on the 20th of August this year. Hmmmm…)

(EDIT EDIT: A cursory little search of this here blog shows that I have in fact been using it for a couple of years. Dang, son).